Dresden has voted!

Despite major elections on Sunday, February 23, Dresden remains stable. The general meeting of the LFCD e.V. elected a new board on the same day. The majority of the previous top representatives of the Dresden leather and fetish club had resigned this year.

The outgoing board members: Hans-Jürgen, David, Martin and Stephan look back on successful terms of office and development of the Saxon fetish scene in recent years. The constant change in the fetish world has also found its way into Saxony’s hottest bunker thanks to the persistent and intensive commitment of the board. The years of the corona pandemic were also survived unscathed under their leadership with a great deal of ingenuity. Our heartfelt thanks go to you all for this!

A familiar face, our Sunny (Jörg), remains on the new board. He will now be joined by Ringo, Julian, Martin and Uwe. We wish the new board every success in its work and, especially this year, good luck with the organization of the LFC e.V. delegates’ meeting and Fetish Unity with the election of Mr. Fetish Germany 2026 in Dresden.

The new board has been elected (from left to right): Uwe, Julian, Ringo, Sunny(Jörg) and Martin will soon be representing the LFCD.